Connecting one another...
Growing in faith...
Sharing Christ's love
Services: 10:30am Sundays
4900 E Thomas Road
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Rev. Jamie Booth
Rev. Jamie Booth grew up in a small town in the Midwest. She felt a call to ministry in high school. Therefore, she chose to attend Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. After receiving a BA in Bible and theology, she continued her studies and obtained a Master of Social Work (MSW) as well as a Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Upon graduation in 2011, Jamie worked as an in home child and family social worker for five years. However, in 2014, Jamie felt God calling her into another direction. She decided to become a Young Adult Missionary (US-2) through the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. She served two years in Tucson serving refugee and asylum seeking families.
After her missionary term ended, Jamie took her first church appointment in the Desert Southwest Conference in 2017. She has served as an associate pastor, campus minister at Arizona State University, and a senior pastor. Jamie was commissioned as a provisional elder in 2019 and was ordained as an elder in full connection in 2021. The Bridge UMC is Jamie’s fifth church appointment.
Jamie is a foster parent and an adoptive parent of one, Shawnee. Jamie is also a dog mom to Naomi—a 15 pound white poodle mix rescue. Naomi often goes with Jamie to work and on many other adventures.
Jamie’s favorite Scripture is Psalm 121:
"I raise my eyes toward the mountains.
Where will my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth.”
This Scripture reminds us that God is along with us during this crazy journey we call life. God is present through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. No matter what life brings, we do not face it alone. May it be so!
Susan Baldisseri
Administrative Assistant
david rowe
Music Director